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Year 7 Scholarship Application Form 2025

Scholarship Application Form

Please submit this form by Friday 13th December 2024 for September 2025 entry - SCHOLARSHIP ENTRY IS NOW CLOSED

If this form is not submitted, it will be assumed that you do not wish your child to be considered for a Scholarship.

You will also need to ensure your son or daughter is registered for a place to coincide with this Scholarship application. You can complete the registration form here

Parent title*

Academic Scholarships

I wish my son/daughter to be considered for the Helen Belgion Memorial Academic Scholarship or for one of the other Academic scholarships

Please select*

Music Scholarships

I wish for my son/daughter to audition for a Music Scholarship

Please select*

Art Scholarships

I wish for my son/daughter to be considered for the Hannah Warner Art Scholarship

Please select*

Sport Scholarships

I wish for my son/daughter to be considered for the Sport Scholarship

Please select*

If you are applying for a Sport Scholarship - you are required to complete a Sport Scholarship Application Form and submit the completed form by Friday 13th December 2024. Access the form here

Woodard All-rounder Scholarship

I wish my son/daughter to be considered for a Woodard All-rounder Scholarship

Please select*

If you are applying for the Woodard All-rounder – you are required to complete a Woodard All-Rounder Scholarship Application Form and submit the completed form by Friday 13th December 2024. Access the form here

Please note: Each Scholarship application for Music, Sport or Woodard All-rounder is reviewed to ensure it meets our criteria, and we will inform you whether your child will be offered an interview/audition or not.

  • ISC
  • nace
  • woodard
  • heads
  • plp
  • Careers