Parent-Teacher Guild (PTG)
As usual, it has been very active
and as a result of PTG
fundraising, we have recently
been able to donate £25,000
towards the refurbishment of the
Prep School playground.
This substantial sum has been
raised through the many events
which we have held during the
year and which, as always,
have been well supported by
We have held many varied
events ranging from a Quiz
Night and a Bingo Night
through to the Christmas
Bazaar and Summer Fun Day.
We also provide bar facilities
at the many School events and this does
generate considerable funds throughout the
year. This latter comment in no way is to be
construed as a reflection on the drinking habits
of the parents!
PTG Ball – 11th February 2017
Our main fundraiser in previous
years has been the Annual Ball
which traditionally has been held
during the autumn term. This year
however, we have moved the date
to 11th February 2017 and it would
be wonderful to see some former
pupils and former staff at this event.
Why not get up a table of up to 10
with some old or not so old friends?
Should you wish to purchase tickets
then please request them through
Ivana in the first instance and they
will then be issued to you in due
Look forward to seeing you at some future
David Bennett
Chairman PTG
Adrian Meadows and David Bennett
PTG Ball