A Message from the Head & Deputy Head of School
Reminiscing on our time as Head and
Deputy Head of School, we can certainly
say that we have made several wonderful
memories together, memories that we will
never forget. One of the highlights of our
tenure was the Speech Day service at the
Cathedral, where we handed out over
100 trophies to very deserving students.
While it was a momentous occasion, we
were both a little nervous as we had to
ensure that the correct trophies were
handed to the correct students, and had to
do so in front of a 600-strong audience – the
pressure was most definitely on!
We are both extremely pleased with what
we have achieved over this past year; our
Student Council meetings were always a
success, and we have thoroughly enjoyed
working with the student body, discussing
what our budget should be spent on. In
the end, the students decided to spend
their budget on a flagpole, which is now
positioned outside of Mr Meadows’ office,
flying the School and House flags.
We have spent our
education, so far, in each
other’s company: we first
met at Primary School in
Reception and then both
moved to Peterborough
High School in Year 7.
Now, as we look to our
separate futures: with
Hannah being offered a
International Business at
Nottingham Trent University
and Rachel looking to
take up a Degree in
English Literature at the
University of St Andrews,
we feel sad to say that our
years of education together
are coming to a close.
We have thoroughly enjoyed our year
representing the School at various functions
such as spending our Saturday night at
School watching a Gilbert and Sullivan
performance. However, we would not have
had such a successful year without the
support of our fantastic Senior Prefect
Team! Our thanks also extend to the
countless members of staff who have
helped us on numerous occasions
throughout the year.
It has been a privilege to represent a school
which is so close to both our hearts and we
will thoroughly miss the family atmosphere
of this unique establishment. We will look
back at our years here with fondness, and
look forward to visiting it, and each other,
at the Reunions in the years to come.
Hannah Crier and Rachel Senior
Hannah Crier and Rachel Senior